Oh how you've grown through the years...
As a kitten, home for the very first time. You were full of curiosity and energy. Every moment, taking in new information. The look of learning never leaving your eyes. Though you caused much mischeif, there were loving moments in those early years. Small showcases of the love that was to be ever present as you grew.

Stuck in the middle with you...
As you reached a young adult, more of who you really were started to show. When we got our own place I saw so many new sides of you I had never yet seen. You loved sunbathing in the windows in the morning, I'd have my cup of coffee while you got your valuable suntime. You started a collection of boxes and I jokingly called you a real-estate investor. When the world got uncertain, I knew you were always at home waiting for me. When I was uncertain about life, I always knew you were the reason to keep going, to keep the fire lit.

And here we are...
Through a good bit of my life at this point, you've been with me. I look forward to our future toegether, because I know that as long as you are in it, it is a good one. You've grown into such a loving and caring cat. Wanting more pets and cuddles, and being sure to return the love with your wonderful purrs and headbumps. We work together to keep an eye on each other, and always look out for one another when we need to. You are the most amazing being I have had the pleasure of welcoming into my life. I am forever thankful for it.

Love you Baxter!